"Heart Box, Flower design"
Code: BJs-OH2
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box, in scattered flower design, cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") Packed in sets of 5 boxes.MOQ 100."
"Heart Box, Leaf sheet design"
Code: BJs-OH3
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box in Rubber and Banyan Tree Leaf design, cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") Packed in sets of 5 boxes.MOQ100."
"Heart Box, Marbled Crinkle design"
Code: BJs-OH4
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box in 6 different marbled papers, cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") Temporarily not available."
"Heart Box, Marbled Crinkle design"
Code: BJs-OH4go
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box, in gold marbled and gold crinkled paper, cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") Temporarily not available."
"Mini Heartbox, assorted plain"
Code: BJs-OH101
Quantity in Basket:
Heart shaped box 5x5x2.5cm(2x2x1in) packed in cello by 5 boxes. Mixed colours or choose colour assortments.
"Mini Heartbox, assorted embelleished"
Code: BJs-OH201
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped box 5x5x2.5cm(2x2x1in) packed in cello by 5 boxes. Assorted matching boxes , flower embellished, please choose basic colours. Packed in cello by 5 boxes."
"Mini Heartbox, assorted Xmas"
Code: BJs-OH150
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped box 5x5x2.5cm(2x2x1in) packed in cello by 5 boxes. Assorted matching boxes ,Xmas motif embellished.Packed in cello by 5 boxes."
"Heart Box, Flower design"
Code: BJs-OH7
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box, indiecut flower design, cushioned covers, 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") . Packed in sets of 5 boxes. MOQ 10.Temporarily not available."
"Heart Box, Embossed paper design"
Code: BJs-OH6
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box, embossed paper designs , cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2"") Packed in sets of 5 boxes.MOQ 100."
"Heart Box, print design"
Code: BJ111104-
Quantity in Basket:
"Heart shaped Box, print designs , cushioned covers 11x11x4cm (4x4x2""). Packed in sets of 5 boxes.MOQ 100. For prints see Gift wrap sheets."